Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Arriving Home!

It has taken a while to write this last blog. Everything has a been a flurry of packing, travel, unpacking, fellowship and sleep...well, not much sleep.

This entry will be short, wrapping up our awesome trip and reflecting on what God has shown us. It was sad to leave behind the awesome friends God gave to us on our trip, but happy to know we will see them again! Sylvia has been the most amazing hostess making sure we were comfortable and well fed. She got in touch with the people we wanted to contact and arranged all of our meetings. She helped us barter at the shops and get rickshaw drivers to charge the right price. She has an amazing heart and I was very blessed to get to know her while we were in India. Claudia was awesome. So fun to be around and Gideon LOVED her! Sunil and Shalini were just way too great. Bringing us food, taking us to the zoo, playing with Gideon, being goofy and hanging out with us for times of laughter and fun. Being passionate for God praying and speaking into our lives. Sunil and Shalini, you guys are great and I pray daily for God's blessing on your family!

Our travel went very smoothly. We arrived on time, met my family and had a smooth drive home. Thank God!

So that pretty much wraps up our trip. This has been a sort of day to day diary for my friends back home and now I am starting one for my friends in India about our daily life here at home (jaimeslifeinmac) I have not written about what God has shown Huda and I about what direction to head for our future. We have some idea's but we are praying. If anyone is interested in what our future plans are you are free to ask. God is so good and has been so faithful on this trip. We were kept safe, healthy, blessed and were fruitful. Thanks you for all who prayed

Lots of Love,
The McKay Family

Monday, October 19, 2009

Boy's Home

Good Morning!!

We arrived home from the boy's home at 5am this morning after 9hrs on the bus...blah! We left Sunday night at about 11pm and drove until 8am, again...blah! SO we haven't slept for a couple days but there is plenty of time for that when we get home.

I LOVED the boys home! The boys were so fun! We played "ring around the rosie" which they thought was so fun, especially the falling down part. We changed it a bit so sometimes we "hopped" around the rosie or we whispered the song and shouted at the end...the kids had fun coming up with different ways to play. none speak english so they did their best to sing the words but it was more hummed...they all got the "all fall down" part right though!

We met several people from the church and had a good time sharing testimonies, prayer needs and songs. We were treated as very special guests of honor and given flower garlands to wear.

The people are very passionate about spreading to other villages to share the gospel. They have been very successful in the village they live in but now they want to continue bearing fruit in the other 450 surrounding villages.

Some prayer needs that they brought up we want to share with you so you can pray as well. One of the families has a baby girl who is ten months old but is very very weak. She is the size of a newborn and is just skin and bones. They have taken her to the Dr who hasn't been able to do anything for her. She was very precious and I really pray the Lord will heal her! Her name is "Loti" which means "Light" Many men need work as construction work is not very "booming" right now. A last request is that one woman's husband comes to the Lord. She began going to church and her husband who is Hindo got very angry. When the wife began bringing her 3 month old daughter to church with her he got so angry that he beat her one night cursing that she would not only let herself go but involve his children also. The next day their perfectly healthy 3 month old died. So now the husband fears God and is going to church but needs prayer that that fear would turn to understanding and love for God.

We come home so soon! I can't wait to see everyone!!
Lots of Love,
The McKay Family

Friday, October 16, 2009

Moving Forward

So it is Friday today. Another week has almost finished. Time is just flying by as we reach our last days here in India. We have been growing closer to Sylvia and to Sunil and Shalini so it is getting more and more sad to think of leaving them! We just want to pack them in our suit cases and bring them with!

My last post we were supposed to go on a trip to some villages and visit the Boy's Children's home. Unfortunately we couldn't go because it was election day has well as the beginning of a major festival here (dewali festival) and so we couldn't find a single bus to take us Monday OR Tuesday! So this week we focused on making sure we accomplished everything we had planned such as people to meet/spend more time with, shopping still to be done and food to try! It has been a good week. Relaxing and encouraging. Sunil's birthday was on Wedensday so I made him a chocolate pudding pie and we had a little celebration at his house. Then on Thursday I showed Sylvia how to make pumpkin pie...YUM! Ovens are not common here but some people have small gas ovens you plug into the wall or small microwave type ovens...we borrowed one and made pie!

Today we met with a man named Lauren and hung out for a ministry meeting of prayer, bible study and sharing and it was very refreshing. We each talked about a way we can see God working in each of our lives and then we read John 15:1-11 about bearing fruit/vine and the branches...two people said that they had just been praying and talking about different things that the passage directly spoke about so it was some confirmation for them which is always neat to see how God speaks to us through his word. For me, I feel like God keeps urging me to spend more time in the word and prayer...working on that discipline in my life. Anyone who knows me knows that I am passionate about excersise and no matter what I always seem to make time for it despite being busy or tired or having a baby to take care of (all my reasons for not spending more time in the word) but shouldn't I be more passionate about reading Gods words to ME then anything else? As a mom, Gideon is my fruit (or at least one erea of fruit in my life) so if my desire is to bear good fruit, to see Gideon become a man of God and a man of good character I need to abide in christ, abide in the vine. It challenged me and I know one way to abide more in Christ is to spend more time in his word and communicating with him...basic thing I know but I have used Gideon as my excuss for not having time to have regular bible study but in reality Gideon is one of the biggest reasons I need to have regular study. I am seeking Gods will but how can I hear his voice without spending at least a little time in his word!

Tomorow we are visiting some good freinds of Sylvia's, Jose (Indian) and Sarah (american). They are very busy involved with Ywam and Sarah homeschools thier 3 boys. 2 are adopted when Jose brother died in a car crash right before Jose and sarah were married and Isaah is thier 3 year old boy. 2 months ago they lost a baby girl who was born with different problems and only lived for 24hrs. I am excited to spend some time with them, we have met them in passing a couple times but tomorow we will have time to get to know one another. Last night we had dinner with another couple very fun to talk to. Newly weds and busy with ministry.

We rescheduled our trip to the boys home for Sunday-Tuesday and when we get back it will be time to go!

I have more to write but it is late here and I am very sleepy but I do have to insert here after re-reading some of my posts that I have not been doing a very good job with my english...mom I CAN write better then this but I am often in a hurry when I write and do not edit anything, lol.

For those who haven't seen on Facebook, Huda got the job!!! I am so thankful! It will only last for 6 months so now we are praying about what will come at the end of those 6 months, what to prepare for...maybe a longer trip to India? I don't know, but we are excited. There are tons of pics on facebook so check them out if you haven't already!!

Lots of Love!

The McKay's

Friday, October 9, 2009

God is SO Good!!

Today Yehuda was able to set up a time for an interview with Intel...yay!! Pray that is goes well and hopefully it will be all together and Huda will have a job when we get back with a $3.00 raise per hour and benefits...how awesome!

Yesterday we went to one of the tailoring homes in a village. Sylvia handed out certificates of completion for the women who had finished their course. Now they have a skill they can use to provide a small amount of income for their families without sacrificing their roll as wives and mothers. A few now have faith in the Lord and many have started attending the village church!

We spent the day with an elderly man there in the city next to the village who owns his own factory and makes a good portion of money. Indian's call their elderly "Uncle". Not many Christians in India have a heart to give. Many even look down on Sylvia for choosing ministry over making money (she has the training to be able to have a very nice job) Even pastors very dedicated to the Lord's work do not want their children in ministry but rather have good education and good jobs. This uncle however, is very generous and gives of his "blessings" often.The church he attends has a couple thousand members and is a very big nice church! (Pictures on facebook)

It has been so long since I have written I am having trouble remembering everything! When we returned home from the village we rested a bit and then played some Uno and scrabble with Sunil and Shalini. I just LOVE Sunil and Shalini! They are so fun with such a passion for Christ! I am always blessed and encouraged when spending time with them, although I am fearing that they will not let me take Gideon home with me!

The next day, Saturday, we went shopping!! This time I got bags and bags of gifts!! It was soo hot though so after 2 1/2 hrs of walking and shopping and haggling Gideon just lost it! He was soo hot and tired and just cried and cried but we went out to eat and got Gideon a fresh squeezed juice and that made him much happier. Gideon eats so much here! Things that are spicy for me to eat he just gobbles right up! Only one day has he a had a runny diaper so I guess he was just made for Indian food! Everyone will be so surprised by how chubby he is getting! He is so heavy It gets harder and harder to carry him every day! He is sleeping so much better now though so thank you all for your prayers.

On Sunday we visited Shine's church which is the same church Claudia goes to. This church had a very western feel. Several American/white families and a lot of "Naga" people who are from the north and have similar...tastes? as westerns? Like they dress the same and have more "loose" standards for living then Indian's do. It was fun. They were having a special program with an auction and feast so we got to try Naga food (Huda ate cow insides, yuck!) but Gideon peed through his diaper and when we went to change him we realized we had no diapers left in the bag so that made the end of the time a little stressful. Then Gideon decided his new favorite game was rolling in the dirt...lovely. It was fun to watch but he sure made a mess! When we were leaving, a couple of Indian boys thought Gideon was so cute that they asked to have their picture taken with him...this happens often to us in India, lol.

When we returned home Huda and I and Claudia played some cards and then ordered food from Foodies, our new favorite place to eat...very greasy though! I will be chubby like Gideon when I get home! Most every Restaurant here will deliver food for free to your home...now McMinnville needs that!! We played more games with Sunil and Shalini and then watched a movie...a very fun Sunday!

So today is Monday. Today is resting day. Today we gear up for a true missionary experience. Tonight we spend the night on the bus and travel to the Boys children home. This is the one we did not think we would get to go to. 9hrs on the bus all night with no sleep and then 2 days in some villages and then another sleepless night on the bus. whew! I will need extra stength and grace for this! Gideon is difficult enough on a bus so we will see how he sleeps!

Prayer needs would be: 1) Still Huda's job...we have not heard back from the guy who will be doing Huda's interview since he found out we are in India...This makes Huda really nervous. 2)The trip to the boys home...good attitudes despite being tired and that Gideon will not be too difficult and that we can just be a blessing and Jesus's shining light to those we meet. 3) Our money will hold out til we get home 4) Blessings for Sylvia and Claudia as well as Sunil and Shalini for everything they have done to make this trip so wonderful and nice for us

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Concern and Care's Girl's Children's Home


On Monday we got to visit one of the children homes that Sylvia started. We had to travel 4 1/2 hrs by bus to get there but Gideon did so well!

The home was in a village so we got to see what more common Indian life is like. Sylvia lives in the city so we stay in a nice apartment with 2 bathrooms complete with toilets, sinks, hot water from 7-9am each morning for showers, 2 large bedrooms, a big bed to sleep on and a washing machine to wash our clothes. Most everyone has a cellphone and a car or motorcycle and we also have Internet in our place so life really isn't a whole lot different then what we're used to but a lot different in ways too. The village demonstrated the more common life. The roads were dirt and all the houses very close together. Cows and dogs and goats were everywhere (which you see in the city a lot too) and the people were much more curious about us because most villagers are born and die in the same village without really leaving so we were the first white people they had ever seen...Sylvia said they probably thought we were movie stars, lol. Anyway, no phones or cars really, more carts and cows and such that people traveled on.

There was a public toilet which was just a big tiled hole in the ground...yeah, I got to go first, lol. It was a bit awkward but not as bad as I thought! Everyone laughed at me as I walked to it though...I must have had a funny look on my face! After our fun at the toilet the girls came home from school so we got to visit with them a little. Indian schools are a lot about memorization. The pastor who takes care of the girls says that education is about being able to think on your own not just memorizing but none-the-less it was adorable watching a couple of the smaller girls (six yrs or so) recite "baa baa black sheep" in English and "psalm 23" in Hindi. We did not get to stay long. We ate lunch and waited for the girls to get home then they got home and we waited for them to eat lunch and then we spent about half hour with them (and they were not very interactive), Huda said a prayer for them and then we left. Because the travel time is so long Sylvia is never able to spend very much time with the girls but Pune is so expensive that having the home in a village is the only way for now.

So that was our time at the children home. It took FOREVER to get home!! The windows were all open and so the wind was blowing and I was FREEZING! Gideon slept the whole way so that was good but I was wrapped in a weird position to keep him warm so it was a VERY long ride for me! 5hrs that trip and when we got to Pune it was POURING! I mean gigantic, humongous, HUGE drops of water! It was crazy! We found a rickshaw to take us home but it took a while cuz no one wanted to drive in the rain, they charged us an arm and a leg for it too. BUT, we got home and drank hot chai and finished the Bollywood video we started before

I am bringing home this video! It is a very popular chick flick whose main theme is honoring your parents. Its 3 1/2 hrs long, has several songs and dances and is hilarious!! I can't wait to show it so we can mock it, lol. It is a cute story and is just a blast to watch...very cheesy. Two of the actors are very famous in India. Sylvia has a secret crush on one of them, lol. Anyway, it was very fun. That night I slept with a heavy blanket (which I stripped off in the middle of the night) and it rained all night and part of the next day.

After the rain subsided on Tuesday some visitors came. Some friends of Sylvia's came over from another city to buy new saris and run some other errands. Jose (pronounced: "Joes") works with ywam and his wife Sarah is American; they have three boys that they homeschool. Their youngest son Isaiah came with, but Sarah and the two older boys stayed home. Jose oldest sister and mother came as well so Jose left us to do his errands and we went out to look for saris which are Indian...uh, "dresses". One long piece of fabric that wraps around with a short thin blouse underneath. Very pretty, I really wanted one but all the fabrics I liked were TOO expensive! I loved the elaborate sparkling ones! Anyway, we went to an older part of Pune to shop. It is known as "The heart of Pune" A lot of things such as prostitution and such is done there...a good place to go prayer walking : )

When we finished shopping we went to "Burger King" which is not to be confused with the American burger king...no, this was a INDIAN burger king for sure! One of the first things we have eaten here that we have NOT liked. It is difficult to explain but I had a chicken burger which was a fried chicken patty (bits of chicken mixed with other things and fried) with lots of Indian spice, mayo (also filled with Indian spice), cucumber in between huge hunks of bun...um, not so tasty I'm afraid. Huda had a steak burger and Claudia had a beef burger...none tasted at all what they were supposed to! The fries and the Pepsi were good though, lol. Burger King is one of Sylvia's favorite places to eat so she was sad we did not like it.

That night we played battleship and Gideon discovered belly buttons for the first time. He saw mine and then kept lifting my shirt to stick his fingers in it then when huda lifted his shirt he looked disinterested and then did a double take when he realized DADDY HAD A BELLY BUTTON TOO! When we showed him is belly that really did it! He stared and stared and put his finger in...you could just see the little wheels of curiosity and discovery turning in his little head...it was very cute. At dinner Sylvia showed me around the house to prepare me for her trip.

She and Claudia left that night to do some work in the north. Sylvia's family owns a clothing store and were having troubles with the distributor so she was going to talk to them personally as well as visit the boys children home. Because it is so far it is unlikely Huda and I will be able to visit that home which is sad. Sylvia really wants the Lord to provide one large property for "Concern and Care's" work so that everything can be together and not so spread out.

So Wednesday (today) we have the place to ourselves. Everyone is VERY protective! Sunil calls every little while to make sure we are ok plus they cooked us lunch and are bringing dinner as well. They are very good people. Today at lunch we had a conversation about biblical standards and how it seems Americans are very prone to compromise. As Huda and I shared our convictions as well as our testimony, as far as saving our first kiss and such, I think it encouraged Sunil that there are "real" sold out Christians still in America as he said that we are one of the first he has met that seem to think the way he does. Many compromise a lot which is a human problem not cultural. Even in India there are many who would say "my culture says this is ok so it is ok" even if it goes against the bible. It may look different in different cultures but it is the same human problem. I think that the churches here air a bit on the side of legalistic...a bit old fashioned in a way but just a little. I am impressed by how balanced Sylvia is however...it is nice to see.

Anyway, this blog is VERY long! Tonight we eat dinner with Sunil and his wife and we will have some prayer as well. Tomorrow (Thursday) we are off to the zoo!

Hopefully tomorrow night I can upload some pictures!! (probably on facebpook though!)

Lots of Love.
The Mckay's

p.s. OH! I ALMOST FORGOT! The program Huda is applying for at Intel opened up again so he applyed today and we will heear soon if he gets the job! THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Shopping and Sunday Service

On saturday we went and did a little shopping. Sylvia bought me two Indian long shirt things that go over pants so that I could have something to wear to town and church and such.

While we were shopping my camera fell out of my bag without me realizing it so now I have NO camera to show you pictures! I am very sad about this! We have had bad luck with our camera since day one of this trip! Oh well, maybe it is for a bigger reason I am not supposed to have a camera?

Anyway, so I got new shirts and Huda decided he wanted jeans. He saw a lot of people wearing cool designer jeans so he wanted a pair. We went into two different shops and at the second one he tried on 20 different pairs of jeans! They were all either too tight or too big, fit in the waist but not the leg, ect...Finally, the very last pair fit! So he bought them. They are actually really nice and fit really well. They were having a sale so Huda got them for $14.00 or about 700rs (rupees), not bad.

While Huda was trying on jeans Sunil and his wife found us and hung out while we were waiting (Sunil is Sylvia's neighbor where we had the youth meeting at.) Sunil is soo good with Gideon and just LOVES him! He swept him away and walked around with him. He and his wife have been unable to have kids, they are trying sime different treatments so hopefully they will get pregnant soon, it is sad cuz Sunil just loves kids so much and is so good with them! After Huda bought the jeans Sunil took us to lunch...now here is where I have to say how good everyone has been to us! We have not paid for a single meal, bus or rickshaw ride and Hunduo even helped pay for the hotel we stayed at that first night, its amazing how generous everyone is, Huda and I feel kind of bad. We aren't used to everyone paying for things for us! Anyway, so we went to a really nice place with good food. so far, my favorite things are naan, lentils and tandoori chicken. At this place we tried goat (not so good) and had a really yummy chicken dish that I can't remember the name of (as usual). We have been eating SO MUCH good food!

After this we went home where our lugguge had finally arrived and organized all our things. This is the point where we realized the camera was gone and I was SO upset I even cried (which I don't do very often but felt pretty silly about it afterward) Afterwards we visited Sylvia's Pastor, Pastor Benny, who was very kind. Sylvia says that he does not really have a gift for teaching but he really loves his people and is never too busy to pray with an individual any time of the night or day. He gives of himself and his things even when he is not paid back in return so he is a good pastor. He is not used to dealing with forigners so we had to talk slow and repeat a lot of things but he invited Huda to share in church. Pastor Benny's wife lives in a different state. She is a nurse but Pune doesn't pay very well so she lives in another erea so that she can make money so thier ministry can go on. She only visits once a year so it is a challenge for the family. They have three boys who live with Pastor Benny so not only is he busy with the people and responsabilities of the church but he cooks, cleans and takes care of his boys (who are young teenagers) on top of that he walks every day to stay healthy. He is a very disciplined man! When we got back I went to bed pretty quick (I was soo tired) and Gideon woke up at 4am...it feels like I will never get a full nights rest!

So Sunday (yesterday) we visited Sylvia's church which is a very traditional church. The men sit on one side and the women on another and all the women wear shawls on thier heads. It was a nice service though and Huda got to share. He was really nervous! Having an interpreter really threw him off, Bbut he did a great job. After church we went home and ate lunch and started a bollywood video, at two I was so sleepy that I went to take a nap and didn't wake up until midnight when Gideon woke up! He fell back to sleep at 2am and so we slept until 5am. Today we are visiting one of the children's homes 4hrs away. It is all girls so I'm guessing they will have lots of fun with Gideon.

Some prayer needs would be that Gideon would sleep through the night and that Huda would have a job when we get back...it doesn't seem that intel is going to hire him. Everything is going well here. I feel so spoiled! I am missing home but I imagine the rest of our trip will speed by and we'll get home and miss everyone here.

Love to all

The Mckays'

Friday, October 2, 2009

Youth Group at Sunil's

Today we got to participate in a youth meeting . Today is a holiday so the youth of a local church here met together and we were invited to join them. We were so blessed by the enthusiasm of the youth and everything that was shared was just so...refreshing and really relevant for me personally. I felt like God was talking directly to me through all that was shared...it was really good!

The girls just loved Gideon and he loved them. We played games and laughed a lot...it was so fun. I am tired tonight so my thoughts aren't fully there but it was a huge blessing to spend the day with Sunil and the youth.

Gideon slept through the night FINALLY! He woke up at 1am and played for about an hour so i was geared up for him not to go back to sleep but then i just started praying and asking that he would just go to sleep and sleep all night and after an hour Gideon konked out!! He slept until 7am so it was SO nice!

After the youth meeting we went to an awesome coffee house (with real espresso!) and met another couple who are involved with ywam here. Shine is Indian and his wife is american, we really enjoyed spending time with them. They took us to a place with american food products and we ate yummy sandwhiches (mine was chicken with sun dreid tomato's) They invited us to their church so we can meet more families and get more connections.

This sunday we go to Sylvia's church, next sunday Shine's church and the last sunday Sunil's church, lol so we will get to have a different experience each week.

I LOVE India! I am enjoying my time here so much. I love the people and all the long talks we have, I love how everything is so different and a little trying so I find myself praying almost every few minutes, going to my bible and writing down my thoughts more than i have since Gideon has been born. Leaning on God and just being so open to Him. He had to knock down every plan I have made on my own so that my mind could be completly open to what HE wants to say...I am listening and excited for what he has for us. I love that the Indian people love kids so much sometimes they just walk up and take Gideon for a while and then bring him back...strangers, lol. I have seen a guy riding an elephant, a kid on a camel, a really wierd HUGE blue bug and a lizard in someones yard. I have tried yummy food and pretty wierd food and I have gone without my own clothing for three days now! Our adventure is proving to be full and good and strangly refreshing.

Like I said, it is 11:30pm right now and i am tired so i do not know if i am making sense, organizing me sentances well or spelling things correctly but I love you all!! And I hope your enjoying hearing about our fun

Love, The Mckay's